Whether you’re checking the conditions at Manukau Bar or admiring the seasonal activity at Little Huia Boat Parking Paddock, stay connected to the beauty of Aotearoa’s coastline.
Views out towards Whanganui Island and with the sugar loaf to the right.
Views Of the Little Huia Boat Trailer parking paddock, which is only open during the summer months.
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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to be able to check you favorite surf spot or boat ramp before heading out? Get in touch and we can see what we are able to do about getting a feed onto it.
Views Of the Little Huia Boat Trailer parking paddock, which is only open during the summer months.
Views out towards Whanganui Island and with the sugar loaf to the right.
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It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to be able to check you favorite surf spot or boat ramp before heading out? Get in touch and we can see what we are able to do about getting a feed onto it.